How to Say I Hope to See You Again in Japanese

Just like how you learn how to say hello when picking up a new language, you also acquire how to say bye. If y'all haven't checked it out already, nosotros have an commodity about ways to say hi , too.

In English, we accept a few different phrases that we use interchangeably when behest farewell to someone — "see you", "catch you afterwards" and the standard "bye" are just to name a few. Would information technology exist so surprising to say that it's similar in Japanese?

In that location are tons of ways to say good day — some are more general while others are used in specific settings. Some are meliorate to use with people you're familiar with; others are more accordingly used in the formal setting.

We've compiled a total of 17 ways in this list — shall we accept a look at what they are?

ane. Sayonara (さようなら)

The outset one is the one that we learn first when picking up Japanese: sayonara (さようなら). This is the direct Japanese equivalent of adieu. There is 1 major difference, though: y'all can use "cheerio" in a coincidental setting without it holding any heavier connotations, whereas "sayonara" has a potent sense of certitude — if you say it to someone, information technology'due south like as if you look to not come across that person any fourth dimension soon.

A lot of Japanese people don't really use this every bit compared to the residuum on this listing.

2. Jaa ne (じゃあね)

This next one is one you lot hear quite often in anime (アニメ) and J-drama — "jaa ne" (じゃあね) is used in casual situations to say farewell. This is kind of similar saying "see ya" to your friend after school when parting ways.

You'll hear this phrase ofttimes among friends and people who are familiar with each other, like relatives.

3. Mata ne (またね)

This phrase is similar to the previosu one. "Mata ne" (またね) has the word "mata" (また) in it which means "again", and so this phrase somehow ways "see you lot again". "Mata ne" is most often used among casual friends.

If y'all've listened to any episode of our Nihongo Master podcast, we cease information technology off with "mata ne" every fourth dimension!

4. Mata ashita (また明日)

"Mata ashita" combines 2 words: "mata" and "ashita" (明日), which means "tomorrow". This phrase can translate to "see you tomorrow". Merely like the previous 1, you apply this with friends and family casually, but with one slight difference: you use this if yous're meeting them the next day.

Yous can change the word for "tomorrow" for something else — if you want to say "see you adjacent calendar week", yous can say it equally "mata raishuu" (また来週).

5. Mata kondo (また今度)

Another "mata" phrase to say bye is "mata kondo" (また今度). The word "kondo" means "next time", so this phrase is similar proverb "see you again next time"! Compared to the other two, this coincidental phrase is used when you haven't really planned a date to meet next, but implying you'd desire to — or at least, I do it that manner.

6. Mata aou (また会おう)

Similarly, "mata aou" (また会おう), which has the meaning of "let's see again" is a coincidental way to say farewell and somehow implying that y'all desire to meet once more. The polite version of this phrase is "mata aimashou" (また会いましょう).

vii. Kyou arigatou (今日ありがとう)

Moving on from the "mata" bye phrases, we have "kyou arigatou" (今日ありがとう). This combines ii words: kyou (今日) to hateful "today" and arigatou (ありがとう) to mean "thank you". Together, information technology holds the meaning of "cheers for today". It'due south used pretty similar to the English translation.

eight. Otsukaresama (お疲れ様)

This next 1 is a pretty common one: otsukarsama (お疲れ様) means "cheers for your hard work". While it's said for the usage of its actual pregnant, most of the time, information technology's used to say bye. You'll hear this quite oftentimes — when you're finished with work and parting ways with your coworkers at the end of the day or after club do at school.

The more formal version is "otsukaresama deshita" (お疲れ様でした), but you lot can even be super casual by dropping the "sama" and "deshita" to make "otsukare".

9. Ki wo tsukete (気をつけて)

This phrase is used just similar the English language phrase "take intendance". That'due south really the verbal translation for ki wo tsukete (気をつけて). When you lot're parting ways with someone, you can combine this with any of the other phrases higher up to say bye — or even on its own.

10. Genki de (元気で)

While you lot tin can say the previous phrase every bit a style to say bye to someone who's going on a long trip or moving to a dissimilar city or country, it's more appropriate to say "genki de" (元気で) to mean "take care of yourself" or "all the best". Genki (元気) actually means "good for you" or "lively", only in this example, it'south like a wish for someone who'due south going away.

11. Itte kimasu (行ってきます)

No more chat about going away for a long fourth dimension — this 1 is used when y'all're off for a while and will return. Say, you're leaving for work or school in the morning, you say "itte kimasu" (行ってきます) to your family members before heading out the door.

If you hear the phrase and you're the 1 not leaving, y'all can say this phrase back: "itterasshai" (行ってらっしゃい), which means "go and come up back".

12. Bai bai (バイバイ)

I bet you tin can guess what this phrase ways — "bai bai" (バイバイ) is the katakana (カタカナ) version of "bye-goodbye" in English. You use this casually, of grade, and about of the fourth dimension, girls are the ones using information technology. Guys tin can say it as well, but information technology does have a slight feminine tone to it.

thirteen. Tanoshinde ne (楽しんでね)

While there's some other style to say "take a adieu" in Japanese, it's not every bit common as saying "tanoshinde ne" (楽しんでね). It translates to "have fun", but people utilise information technology equally a way to wish someone a practiced twenty-four hour period as they say cheerio.

fourteen. Osaki ni shitsureishimasu (お先に失礼します)

Nosotros have tons of casual ones, here'due south a formal one: osaki ni shitsureishimasu (お先に失礼します). This is 1 that you use in the part to your senpais (先輩) or higher-ups like your boss and supervisor. If y'all're leaving earlier them, y'all should employ this phrase every bit it means "excuse me for leaving work earlier yous."

You tin can say this to your colleagues as an "amends" for leaving work to anyone that is withal in that location working. Even if in that location is no piece of work left, you can still say this.

fifteen. Odaiji ni (お大事に)

If you're not feeling well and go to the medico'southward in Japan, the md volition say this to you when you're leaving: "odaiji ni" (お大事に). This phrase means, "get well soon" or "feel better before long". You tin can use information technology when y'all're visiting friends or relatives who are sick, and instead of saying bye, you can utilise this phrase instead.

Even if information technology'due south only a phone telephone call, you lot tin yet utilize it!

xvi. Ojama shimashita (お邪魔しました)

In Japan, when y'all go to someone's habitation, it's polite to greet with "ojama shimasu" (お邪魔します). This ways "I'm intruding" or "I'g bothering you". I retrieve it'due south because it's someone else's private space and you lot're in it. Regardless of whether you're invited over or dropping by impromptu, you still should say this phrase.

Information technology's the aforementioned for when you exit — you lot have to modify the phrase to its by tense: ojama shimashita (お邪魔しました). This literally ways "I've bothered you lot" but it can interpret to "thanks for having me over" in nuance.

17. Osewa ni narimashita (お世話になりました)

Last but non least, another business one: osewa ni narimashita (お世話になりました). When y'all're talking to someone who has helped y'all at piece of work or a client, information technology's best to say this phrase when saying goodbye. It literally translates to "thanks for everything" but it means, "thanks for taking care of me and supporting me".

You can use this when you're ending a phone call with a client or to thank your coworker for helping you out big time.

Which 1 of these ways to say bye will you use next time? Are there whatever ones that you accept already been using and new ones that you'll start using from now on? I promise you take these 17 "bye" phrases prepared for when you're saying bye to a friend or a business client!


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