It speaks volumes about a graphic symbol when fans are still talking about him 30 years afterwards he was last seen and nigh fifty years afterwards he first debuted. Michael Corleone is such a character as his life was chronicled in The Godfather serial.

He was e'er a tragic figure, one who lost sight of what he'd initially gear up out to practice and ended upward alienating everyone around him. Throughout his life, he had many things to say based on what type of character development he was going through, and his quotes and sayings requite one an insight into the type of person Michael was and how he fell from grace.

Updated on December 21st,  2020 by Saim Cheeda:The release of Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone has reinvigorated interest in the characterization of the main character from the iconic Godfather movies. Fans desire to take a broader understanding of what made him tick. In lodge to do Michael Corleone justice, the puddle of quotes has been expanded every bit these offer more insights into the fascinating personality of a mafia leader.

15 "Never Allow Anyone Know What You're Thinking"

The thing that fabricated everyone be wary and intimidated by Michael was the fact that his expression remained the same way. Whether he was seething with acrimony within or was satisfied, Michael didn't allow those effectually him know what was going in his heed.

The reason for this was to avert letting whatsoever sign of weakness or vulnerability escape toward a potential enemy, as Michael wanted nobody to know the things that they could use confronting him.

14 "I Don't Experience Similar I Have To Wipe Everybody Out. Only My Enemies."

There'due south a misconception that Michael was ruthless plenty to cease anyone that dared challenge him. The reality was that he restricted this exercise to those who wanted to bring damage to him. Once someone made an enemy out of Michael, it was better to run.

Information technology was after he felt that there was no recourse but to take a person'due south life that Michael authorized hits, which was seen in The Godfather Part 2 . The problem was that if Michael had information technology in his mind to get a person killed, this would nigh definitely happen regardless of who information technology was.

13 "What I Desire, What'south Nigh Important To Me Is That I Accept A Guarantee. No More Attempts On My Male parent'southward Life."

Michael still had his humanity during The Godfather , where his initial involvement within the family unit was to ensure the safe of his father. Information technology had been the hit on Vito that got Michael involved in the mess in the beginning place and Vito'due south wellbeing remained firmly in his mind.

Despite beingness present in the meeting with Sollozzo and McCluskey with his listen attack killing them, Michael figured he would give the two an out if they assured him that Vito would be unharmed. When that didn't work out, both of the men were goners.

12 "Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer."

This has become a popular adage in existent life and was made popular by Michael himself. While he never wanted anyone to sympathize the way his listen worked, Michael did take people in his circle who could be considered enemies.

The reason for this was because Michael wanted to see what he could derive from them, as his strategy was to continue enemies close to weed out any information that would be useful to him. In doing and then, Michael remained one stride ahead of the residuum.

11 "Never Hate Your Enemies. It Affects Your Judgment."

It's remarkable how Michael had so many enemies yet treated them with a certain measure of apathy. It was a deliberate motility on his part, equally this stemmed from his thought process that putting besides much emotion toward his enemies would grade an obsession in his mind.

By keeping a certain altitude in terms of hatred from those that wanted to harm him, Michael opened his listen upward to devising strategies. He knew that having too many emotions was what got Sonny killed, and then Michael chose to do the opposite.

ten "Y'all Straightened My Blood brother Out?"

Earlier this scene, we'd only seen the tame Michael who could be reasoned with. Nonetheless, he showed why he was a force to be reckoned with when confronting Moe Greene. After he constitute out Moe had hit Fredo, Michael had no thoughts other than rage.

Despite Moe arguing that he had smacked Fredo around because the latter had been messing with waitresses, Michael just repeated Moe'due south lines for straightening his brother out. Even Moe, who had a knack for talking his way out of situations, was powerless earlier Michael's cutting words.

nine "Vincent, Will You Shut Upward!?"

Full points for Al Pacino here who showed off his acting talent well, which made this quote a very memorable one. Vincent, the illegitimate child of Michael's brother Sonny was given a lot of leeway due to his familial ties.

However, Michael had had enough of Vincent's cocky-destructive ways when the latter didn't help matters at all by chiming in that he wanted Michael to have plans for vengeance. By this signal Michael had been trying desperately to become a man of affairs; hearing Vincent talk to him like a regular gangster angered the otherwise quieter Michael equally he exploded on Vincent to be serenity.

8 "I Know It Was You, Fredo. Y'all Bankrupt My Eye. You lot Broke My Eye."

It was here when Fredo's fate was finer sealed every bit Michael found out that his own brother might take had a hand in an bump-off effort against him. While we'll never know if Fredo truly did want to get Michael killed, the latter made his decision to practice the same to Fredo hither.

Pulling his brother in for a kiss -- which was meant to signify the kiss of expiry -- Michael showed true emotion after a long time past telling his brother he knew of his role. It was both heartbreaking and terrifying to see Michael this way.

seven "That's My Family, Kay. That's Not Me."

Years earlier he became the Don of the Corleone family Michael tried his best to distance himself away from their criminal dealings. And unlike how secretive he somewhen became, Michael was originally very open toward Kay.

The best way he showed this to Kay was by sharing about his father's exploits and dealings, which involved sharing how Luca Brasi was used equally an enforcer. When Kay seemed thunderstruck by the data, Michael confessed he had shared this with her to tell her he wasn't like his family. Unfortunately, things were not meant to plow out this way.

vi "Fredo, Y'all're My Older Blood brother, And I Love You. But Don't Ever Take Sides With Anyone Against The Family unit Again. E'er."

The scary affair most Michael wasn't that he had a lot of henchmen working for him or the political influence he controlled. Information technology was how he had that stone-common cold death stare going on that would reduce fifty-fifty the biggest men into obeying him.

Fredo learned this for the kickoff time after Michael's confrontation with Moe Greene, as he looked to care for Michael every bit his younger brother. Nonetheless, Michael had no patience for Fredo's attempts at scolding him, and instead intimidated Fredo by giving him a warning that going against the family wouldn't exist good for him. Equally nosotros found out, Michael really was very serious about this.

5 "If Anything In This Life Is Certain, If History Has Taught United states of america Anything, It Is That You Can Kill Anyone."

By the time of The Godfather Part 2 , Michael had become so cold that the thought of killing someone didn't fifty-fifty make him flinch slightly. He'd firmly established in his mind that taking a person out was the easiest solution to things.

When Tom attempted to argue confronting assassinating Hyman Roth, claiming that the man was too well protected and that not even the president was besides-guarded, Michael shrugged him off. In its place, he argued that nobody was invincible and that the pages of history were telling him that killing was absolutely an option no matter how powerful the target might be.

4 "Only Don't Tell Me That You're Innocent. Because It Insults My Intelligence And Information technology Makes Me Very Angry."

In guild to get Carlo to admit that he was the one who got Sonny killed, Michael kept the former close to him for a certain amount of time to make him have a sense of security. Afterward all the heads of the families had been killed, Michael made his movement to make Carlo confess.

While Carlo initially tried to pretend that he had been an unwitting pawn in the plans of Don Barzini, he eventually relented, mainly due to this quote from Michael. Giving Carlo the silent merely mortiferous stare, he kept his voice level while making it clear to Carlo that pretending he was innocent was insulting his intelligence. It didn't matter in the terminate, though, as Michael however got Carlo killed.

iii "Don't E'er Ask Me Most My Business organisation."

This has become ane of the more famous quotes from The Godfather series every bit information technology highlights Michael's turn for the worst. While he'd earlier convinced himself he'd gotten the other dons killed as a necessity, him hiding his truthful intentions from Kay solidified that he liked being Godfather.

So, when Kay asked him if he did indeed have a mitt in killing Carlo, Michael was enraged that someone - even if that someone was his wife - would question his authorization. He ended up lying to Kay, simply fifty-fifty then Michael was the i in control as he made Kay promise she would never ask him about his business.

2 "It'southward Not Personal, Sonny. It's Strictly Concern."

The scene where Michael shoots McClusky and Sollozzo was then famous that it even showed upwards in the game based on the movie where we instigated this event. In the film, Michael was the one who convinced the others to let him do it.

The impressive thing was how he was able to sway opinions about himself and go through with the plan. Arguing that killing the men wasn't personal equally Sonny thought it to be, Michael justified information technology by claiming they could turn the story around by making it seem as if he was killing a decadent cop. It was this knack for manipulating people that somewhen got Michael so far.

1 "Just When I Idea I Was Out. They Pull Me Back In."

Sadly for Michael, he's always going to be associated with beingness a gangster despite him actually wanting to get out that life the whole time. Even when he was neck-deep in criminal activities Michael had intentions to be out of information technology.

Due to this, you have to experience for the guy when he realized he was back in the crime game in The Godfather Office III . When Michael came upon this realization, he bitterly voiced information technology out past saying that he could never shed the gangster life out. Fifty-fifty when he wanted to get abroad, he was drawn back because of one reason or another.

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